arts grants

100 arts groups share $4.5 million in state grants

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

The Delaware Division of the Arts is spreading nearly $4.5 million among more than 100 arts and community organizations. This first round of funding for fiscal year 2025 includes general operating support, project support, arts stabilization, start up and education resource grants. “These funds will play a crucial role in fostering a vibrant cultural environment and ensuring that the arts …

hospital ChristianaCare

ChristianaCare sues to halt hospital board creation

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

  ChristianaCare has filed a lawsuit to stop the creation of a board that would oversee hospital budgets, saying it violates the system’s state and federal constitutional rights and corporate laws, and threatens its mission to care for the community. The suit, filed in Delaware’s Court of Chancery, which deals with business issues, says House Bill 350 illegally gives the …

grants bill

2025 grants budget that benefits nonprofits rises 27% over ’24

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

The record-busting $98.5 million grants-in-aid budget bill for fiscal year 2025 sailed unanimously  through the Delaware Senate Sunday, even though it is nearly 27% higher than the last one. The 2024 budget, which ends today, June 30,  was $98.5 million. Senate Bill 327 was one of hundreds before the Delaware House and Senate on the final day of the 2024 …

DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin

DNREC must hold certain in-person hearings, if bill passes

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

A bill that would force DNREC to hold public meetings in person and allot at least two hours for public comment on major issues got quite a lot of comment during a hearing Wednesday before being approved. House Bill 434, sponsored by Rich Collins, R-Millsboro, the bill will keep the Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control Department “transparent and citizen friendly” …

William Penn 2025 Bond Bill

Bond bill: 5 school districts will share $160 million for projects

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

The state will invest $160 million for school projects in six districts and $100 million in deferred maintenance and capital improvements in state buildings, according to the $1.1 billion capital budget introduced Monday. The $160 million for school construction projects is the largest amount of money designated and will go to Smyrna, Red Clay, Colonial, New Castle County Vo-Tech, Polytech …

The filed request states that the embezzlement in excess of $180,000 from the Delaware Department of Labor’s Division of Unemployment Insurance was wrongly not reported to the state's citizens. (Photo by the Corporate Finance Institute)

Group files for investigation for lack of reporting on state embezzlement

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A nonprofit filed a request Wednesday to the Delaware General Assembly to investigate the failure by state officials responsible for reporting the act of embezzlement in excess of $180,000 from the Delaware Department of Labor’s Division of Unemployment Insurance. The Delaware Coalition for Open Government filed the request. That group aims for transparency and accountability in Delaware’s government — it …


State Sportsmen, others file lawsuit against permit-to-purchase law

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association and others have filed suit in U.S. District court claiming Delaware’s new permit-to-purchase law is unconstitutional. “This is a case about vindicating fundamental civil rights being trampled on by overbearing legislation that defies controlling legal authority,” says the case filed by Francis G.X. Pileggi and others. The new law, known as Senate Substitute 1 for …

Hospitals deal hospital

Hospitals, legislators reach deal on state review board

Betsy PriceHeadlines, Government

State hospitals and legislators have reached a deal that will see House Bill 350, a bill to set up a state board that could review and force changes to hospital budgets, become law. Based on expected amendments, “the Delaware Healthcare Association stands neutral on HB 350 and will no longer actively oppose the bill at this time,” said Brian Frazee, …

Short legislative hall

GOP’s Short: State budget needs oversight, too, if hospitals must have it

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

A Sussex County state representative plans to introduce a bill that will hold lawmakers to the same rules its Democrat members want to set for hospitals: Holding budgets to benchmark. State Rep. Danny Short, R-Seaford, and other Republicans have repeatedly said during House and Senate hearings and debates that the state wants to hold hospitals to a rule it won’t …

hospital ChristianaCare

State moves to control hospital budgets to lower health costs

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

Delaware’s hospitals soon could be governed by a politically appointed state board charged with examining and approving hospital budgets and invested with the power to demand changes and punish those that don’t meet its guidelines. House Bill 350 would create the Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board under the Department of Health and Social Services. It will try to keep …