Over 1,000 of Brandywine's educators are working on expired contracts. (Photo by Halfpoint/Adobe Stock)

Brandywine teachers hit the picket lines ahead of holidays due to expired contracts

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

WILMINGTON – An expired contract situation in Brandywine School District has tainted the holiday spirit of teachers, as they began to picket the district Tuesday in the first local educators’ union picketing in well over a decade. “I am shocked and saddened to be in this position,” said Jeannette Wilt, a computer and math teacher in the Brandywine School District …


Victims’ Rights task force to hear updating, funding ideas

Katie KazimirGovernment, Headlines

A task evaluating the Delaware’s Victims’ Bill of Rights for the first time since it was established in 1992 will hear recommendations about how to improve it Monday, Feb. 12. The current document is an unwieldy, jumbled mess because of all the hands that have been in the code since then, said Scott Goss, communications director for the Senate Democrats. …