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Eagles fever continued as Delaware River renamed for the team

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Sports

While there won’t be tons of dye pumped into the Delaware River that mimics Chicago’s green river during St. Patrick’s Day, the waterway will bleed green in name for a few days. Until Monday, Feb. 10, the Delaware River will be renamed the Eagles’ River in honor of the Philadelphia Eagles competing in Super Bowl LIX versus the Kansas City …

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DOE hopes new website will calm nerves of immigrant families

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The Delaware Department of Education released a resource to help ease the nerves of educators, parents, and families in regard to immigration actions in the state’s public schools. Secretary of Education Cindy Marten launched a website with guidance and resources. The website includes information on immigrant student rights, support available for schools and educators, recommended action steps for Delaware schools, …

The executive order creates a group to address the challenges of affordable housing. (Photo from Pixels)

Gov. Meyer signs executive order to streamline affordable housing

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

In one of his first days as Delaware’s new governor, Matt Meyer signed an executive order Thursday night to fast-track affordable housing permits.  “Housing is a human right, and no Delawarean should be left out in the cold,” Meyer said in a social media post regarding his decision. “With this Executive Order, we take the first step in overhauling and …

Youth Apprenticeship -- Delaware Restaurant Association

Association leaders, educators praise Meyer’s youth apprenticeship executive action

Peter OsborneBusiness, Education, Headlines, Retail and Restaurants

Governor Matt Meyer directed state agencies to prioritize state agencies to prioritize the development of youth apprenticeship programs across the state in his first executive action. Led by the Delaware Department of Education, Executive Order #1 establishes a statewide working group consisting of at least 15 members from across labor, educational, and nongovernmental sectors, with the ultimate goal of developing …

Matt Meyer inaugural address

Here’s a copy of Gov. Matt Meyer’s inaugural address

Peter OsborneGovernment, News Briefs

DOVER– For those of you who weren’t able to attend or live-stream (or just like to read speeches) Gov. Matt Meyer’s swearing in or inaugural address at Delaware State University, here’s the address: Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Delaware! Thank you so much for being here. The original plan was for me to give this speech outside. As the temperature …

Cindy Marten has been selected to be the next Delaware Secretary of Education.

Cindy Marten named new Delaware Secretary of Education

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The state of Delaware has a new secretary of education, and she’s been plucked from her role as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Cindy Marten will replace current secretary Mark Holodick, leaving an agency that President-Elect Donald Trump has sworn to close. “I am honored to join Governor-elect Meyer’s team and help lead Delaware’s public schools into a …

Kent County Courthouse ops to be limited on Meyer’s Inauguration Day

Peter OsborneGovernment, News Briefs

Operations at the Kent County Courthouse will be limited on Tuesday, Jan. 21, due to ceremonies related to the inauguration of Governor-Elect Matt Meyer. Traffic disruptions and significant parking restrictions around the Kent County Courthouse are expected to make it difficult for individuals to get to the courthouse on that day, so many proceedings scheduled for Jan. 21, 2025, will …

EastSide Charter School's Chemours STEM Hub opened to the public Monday. (All photos from Jarek Rutz/Delaware LIVE News)

EastSide unveils long-awaited, $27M Chemours STEM Hub

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

WILMINGTON – EastSide Charter School unveiled a new STEM hub Monday with the goal of creating job opportunities for underrepresented children, training Delaware adults, and creating a love and passion for math and science. Named the Chemours STEM Hub after the lead donor – $4 million from Chemours – other funding sources include $1 million from Barclays US Consumer Bank, …

The federal loan for the Christina River Sewer Main project is for $12 million. (Photo from New Castle County Public Works)

NCCo. gets $12M federal loan for Christina River Sewer Main project

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

New Castle County officials believe a new $12 million loan will help address one of civilization’s most crucial infrastructure systems.  For the first time, Delaware is receiving a Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to help the county modernize the Christina River Force Sewer Main (CRFM), improving the reliability of wastewater service for approximately 330,000 residents while greatly …

Hospital costs

DHA to Carney: Don’t appoint hospital cost-review board

Bradley VasoliHeadlines, Health

By Bradley Vasoli In a letter to Governor John Carney (D) this week, the Delaware Healthcare Association (DHA) urged him to forego nominations to the controversial Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board. The DHA, an advocacy group formed by Delaware hospitals, argued that the commission will take its ultimate form during the upcoming administration of Carney’s fellow Democrat Matt Meyer, who …