The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce is asking the Delaware Department of Labor to address concerns that small businesses have with proposed family medical leave regulations. In a letter dated Wednesday, the chamber asks for an immediate pause on the implementation of the regulations for a minimum of 60 to 90 days because of issues the chamber says will harm …
Town Square LIVE Weekly Review – Jan. 27, 2022
This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Community New pet food fees won’t start to bring in money until 2023 Rep. Gerald Brady arrested, charged with two counts of shoplifting Wilmington residents sign petition in support of police chief Business Bayhealth employees face Feb. 28 vaccine deadline Government Purzycki says city will put $50 million into residential redevelopment Recreational marijuana moves one …
Paid family leave bill lands in the hands of lawmakers
A bill to give Delaware workers up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave was heard by the Senate Health and Social Services Committee Wednesday. It is expected to be released and head to the Senate for consideration. Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 1, sponsored by Sen. Sarah McBride, D-Wilmington, would create a statewide insurance program to …