One key to the success of Janssen’s Market is “family.” Sure, it’s a family-owned business, run by three generations of the Janssens since 1952. Over the decades, “our staff has become like family,” said Eileen Janssen, who joined her husband Joseph Jr. in the business in 1984 after teaching at A.I. du Pont High. The Greenville market closes on major …
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”TSD June 3-2021″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Community The Bidens head to Rehoboth Beach house this week Food Bank: Drive-thru pantry numbers down 50%; will re-evaluate Most traditional Fourth of July fireworks displays are on this year Who knew having a U.S. president meant traffic woes when he comes home? Delaware Botanic Gardens ready for a real …
TownSquare LIVE Weekly Review – June 3, 2021
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”TSD June 3-2021″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Community The Bidens head to Rehoboth Beach house this week Food Bank: Drive-thru pantry numbers down 50%; will re-evaluate Most traditional Fourth of July fireworks displays are on this year Who knew having a U.S. president meant traffic woes when he comes home? Delaware Botanic Gardens ready for a real …
Who knew having a U.S. president meant traffic woes when he comes home?
President Joe Biden is coming home this weekend, and you know what that means. If it’s Friday at 5 p.m. and the traffic is bad, it can only mean one thing. And it’s NOT happy hour. It’s “Joe Jam” time. That’s the kitschy name for the traffic congestion that occurs around Route 141, 48 and Centreville Road when …
Natural history museum closes for redo and switch to nature, science focus
‘We’re moving from the techniques of the past and are embracing the future,’ said director Halsey Spruance. ‘We have to change the platform, the foundation.’