
Vote for Claymont Transportation Center in national contest

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

The new Claymont Transportation Center is among 12 finalists in the 2024 America’s Transportation Awards contest, and local votes can push it into the People’s Choice title. The center, which opened Dec. 4, 2003, offered Delaware commuters an upgraded option to ride the rails. Named for former state senator Harris McDowell III, it has more than 800 parking spaces including …

mini Read House Historic New Castle

Have yourself a mini little Christmas at Read House

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

And, now, for something a little different. And by little, we mean miniature. And by miniature, we mean recreations of period rooms that could fit into shoeboxes, including a “street” depicting four shops mentioned in Jane Austen books. The 20 displays, created by and on loan from the First State Mini Club, are spread throughout the Read House in Historic …

MV Theft

Passenger abandons car as 5 teens steal it in Newark

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Police & Fire

Car thieves jumped into a car that was left running in Newark last week, only to find a passenger in the back seat.   Five brazen teenagers successfully stole an idling car in Newark late Friday evening after discovering a passenger was still inside the vehicle, according to Newark Police.  The driver parked the car on Amstel Avenue near South …