CSC President and CEO Rod Ward III will give the keynote speech at Jan. 13’s annual Delaware State Chamber dinner on Jan. 13. The event, one of the best-attended business gatherings of the year, draws 1,100 politicians and business leaders together for a cocktail hour and then a dinner at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington. The evening …
Delaware marijuana czar details fast-moving license plans
When Delaware starts allowing the legal sale of marijuana April 1, 2025, the state should get between $28.8 million and $42 million in taxes per year, predicted the man in charge of overseeing the new business sector. Marijuana Commissioner Robert Coupe to the Central Delaware Economic Summit Tuesday that the difference in the two amounts is how the math was …
Kirkwood Acme to close in November because lease ends
The Acme Market on Kirkwood Highway in Wilmington will close in November because the store’s lease is ending. “Closing a store is always a touchy issue,” said Dana Ward, director of communications and public affairs. “Our focus remains on growing our business, which sometimes involves reinvesting resources into existing stores and exploring potential new locations.” No employees will be laid …
County sues former Hope Center operator Hersha Hospitality
New Castle County is suing Hersha Hospitality Management for damages in the high hundreds of thousands of dollars, claiming they occurred during its control of the Hope Center. A lawsuit filed Monday in Delaware Superior Court seeks compensation for the damages caused by Hersha’s breach of its property management agreement. “New Castle County is fully committed to ensuring the health, …
Incyte update: new drugs, cancer cures, downtown office plans
Some of Incyte’s biopharmaceutical drugs can help skin problems and one seems to be a cure for vitiligo, CEO Hervé Hoppenot said in an update Thursday. He also said the company plans to renovate the two downtown MBNA buildings in a way that will make them unrecognizable to the people familiar with how they look now. And he predicted that …
Coastal dunes to get some love from state after breaches
Coastal dunes just north of the Indian River inlet will be getting additional metal sheets embedded in the sand as well as emergency sand replacement after two breaches this year and recent near-breaches, Gov. John Carney announced Thursday. The work is designed to protect the beach and Delaware Route 1 during the winter storm season. The metal sheets will be …
You KNOW your little needs a photo with a Fairy Fest unicorn
If your little one is a unicorn fan, Rockwood Park’s annual Fairy Fest has a don’t-miss event for you: Pictures with unicorn ponies. It’s one of the many activities geared for childhood attention spans, when the festival returns from noon to 4 p.m. at Rockwood on Sunday, Sept. 15. A celebration of childhood imagination, Fairy Fest includes a costume parade, …
Meyer, Gay, McBride, Carney win Dem nominations; Ramone wins GOP
Matt Meyer handily won the three-way race for the Democratic nomination for governor Tuesday, besting Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long 47% to 37%,, according to unofficial election results.. Former DNREC secretary Collin O’Mara had about 15% of the vote. Ultimately more people didn’t vote for Meyer than did, with Hall-Long’s and O’Mara’s tally beating Meyer by about 4,000 votes. As Meyer …
‘Get Down On It’ with Kool & the Gang at the Grand Gala
Kool & The Gang will bring the funk to the 48th annual Grand Gala on Dec. 7. The annual party of the year will include will include a concert at the Grand Opera House by the New Jersey band famous for its rhythm and blues, soul and funk tunes as well as the presentation of the 2024 Grand Medal for …
Vote for Claymont Transportation Center in national contest
The new Claymont Transportation Center is among 12 finalists in the 2024 America’s Transportation Awards contest, and local votes can push it into the People’s Choice title. The center, which opened Dec. 4, 2003, offered Delaware commuters an upgraded option to ride the rails. Named for former state senator Harris McDowell III, it has more than 800 parking spaces including …