Delaware business Delmarva Corrugated Packaging

Delmarva Corrugated Packaging shows off $90M high-tech plant

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

Delmarva Corrugated Packaging recently showed off its $90 million high-tech manufacturing facility in Dover that makes state-of-the-art packaging and has created jobs for 160 people. During its “open the box” event, it also announced a new solar panel project and a partnership with Autism Delaware. The  465,000-square-foot, rail-served facility is  located on a 37.4-acre site at 1601 POW/MIA Parkway and …

Surf Tags 7

Delaware State Parks annual pass, surf fishing permit sales delayed

Charles MegginsonCulture, Government, Headlines

Delaware drive-on beach surf fishing tags will not go on sale until at least early 2022, DNREC says. The sale of 2022 Delaware State Parks annual passes and surf fishing permits will be delayed as a result of ongoing nationwide supply chain disruptions. DNREC officials anticipate delivery of the tags in early 2022 and will begin sales online, in state …

a truck driving down a dirt road

State to invest $2 million in farmers, local food supply chain

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Photo courtesy of Delaware Department of Agriculture. Delaware will spend $2 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds to establish a seed fund aimed at stabilizing and strengthening small and mid-sized farmers and local food supply chain operations. The First State Integrated Food System Program, announced Thursday by Gov. John Carney, will be paid for using funds the state received from …