A bill to allow mentally competent adult patients with terminal illnesses to request a prescription for life-ending medications was narrowly released from the House Health and Human Development Committee Tuesday. The practice is often referred to by supporters as “right to die” or “death with dignity” and by opponents as “physician-assisted suicide.” “Medical aid in dying” is a neutral term …
Black leaders, activists split on Darius Brown ethics inquiry
Sen. Darius Brown, D-Wilmington Black Wilmington pastors and activists are divided over whether a state senator cleared of offensive touching and disorderly conduct charges should still face a Senate Ethics Committee inquiry. Several, including New Castle County Councilman Jea Street, Delaware NAACP president Richard “Mouse” Smith and the Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Curry, pastor of Ezion Fair Baptist Church, say …
Despite acquittal, Brown will still face Senate ethics inquiry
Brown was found not guilty Thursday on charges of offensive touching and disorderly conduct. Despite being acquitted Thursday on charges of offensive touching and disorderly conduct, State Sen. Darius Brown will still face a Senate Rules and Ethics Committee review when the General Assembly reconvenes. In a statement following news that the jury found the Wilmington Democrat not guilty on …