Cape Henlopen School District's referendum is unsuccessful for a second time.

Cape Henlopen referendum fails for the second time

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

This is a developing story. Check back for updates. Another try yields the same result for Cape Henlopen School District. In a nail-biter, the district’s second try at a referendum to raise local taxes to increase district revenue was unsuccessful Tuesday. The final vote was 52.8% against (4,628) and 47.2% for (4,133) a tax increase that would benefit the district. …

Appoquinimink's referendum has passed in the district's second attempt to raise local taxes to support district operations and operating costs.

Appo’s referendum successful on second attempt

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates. Take two — Appoquinimink School District‘s second stab at a referendum has passed. The district will raise about $77.8 million in local revenue: $11,126,000 for operating costs and $66,663,550 for capital costs. The average homeowner will see an increase of  $435 per year on their tax bill. The influx of …