DSU and the University of Belize signed their memorandum of understanding on March 11.

DSU widens global presence with University of Belize alliance

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

  Delaware State University has created a partnership it hopes will lead to future opportunities in Belize, a nation on the eastern coast of Central America. “It opens the door to collaborative activities,” said Carlos Holmes, DSU’s director of news services. “This could range from anything from joint events, joint presentations, joint research, joint studies, it could indeed involve possible …


Dover committee will look at ways to help city’s homeless

Katie KazimirGovernment, Headlines

The mention of a small homeless encampment on Delaware State University property has led to the launch of a Dover committee assigned to find ways to help solve the problem in Delaware’s capital. The first meeting of Dover’s Unsheltered Working Group will be at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7,  at the Dover Public Library. Its creation came about during last …