Indian River School District is purchasing weapon detectors for each of its two high schools.

Indian River latest district to buy weapon detectors 

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Indian River School District is the latest in Delaware to invest thousands – almost $50,000 for itself – in equipment to ensure student safety.  The district is purchasing two weapon detection systems, one for each high school: Sussex Central High School and Indian River High School. Each costs about $24,000. “It is imperative that we ensure the safety of students, …

The audit request comes after a series of educator arrests for inappropriate contact with students in recent years. (Photo by bialasiewicz/PhotoDune)

Senator calls for audit of credentials for school counselors

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

One state legislature is looking to bolster the verification process for the credentials of educators. Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, is specifically calling for a comprehensive audit of the credential verification process for child counselors. Among a number of recent arrests due to educators having inappropriate contact with minors, Pettyjohn cited a recent report by WHYY in which a …