This Week’s Top Stories Include El Diablo Burritos owners launch new concept two doors down in Trolley Square Nature Boy Ric Flair brings cannabis product to Columbia Care locations New Castle County raises impact fees for new construction Delaware Hospice to move to scattered-bed model at St. Francis Hospital DMA’s Maya Hill shines as late dad, Coach Phil Hill, is …
El Diablo Burritos owners launch new Hayworth & Finch concept in Trolley Square
By Pam George In 2010, a small burrito shop opened in Trolley Square, and it did not take long for the buzz to travel outside Wilmington’s city limits. El Diablo Burritos quickly became an if-you-know-you-know destination for fast-casual food made with quality ingredients. The owners hope lightning strikes twice. Dean Vilone, Roger Andrews, and Shannon Stevens recently opened Hayworth & Finch at 11 …