a man standing in front of a building

SPCA will use $500,000 state grant on $4.5 million new shelter

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

  This artist’s rendering shows the design for the Brandywine Valley SPCA’s new lobby.     The Brandywine Valley SPCA is preparing to move its New Castle operations to a new facility on Churchmans Road, thanks in part to a $500,000 grant included in the bond bill passed by the General Assembly in June. The new facility will replace its …


List of Bond Bill’s community projects still unpublished

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

    When the General Assembly passed a record-setting $1.3 billion bond bill last week, the spending package did not include a list of the $70 million in projects chosen by legislators for their districts. The Community Redevelopment Fund includes one-time allocations which legislators earmark for nonprofits, schools and community agencies in their districts. Ordinarily, each organization receiving funding would …