Delaware-lead BEAD Program for internet access's final proposal was approved by the federal government. (Photo by Proxima Studio/Adobe Stock)

Del. leads national ‘Internet for All’ funding initiative

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Delaware is leading the charge in the federal government’s mission to provide internet for all. Tuesday, the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approved the First State’s final proposal for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. The program is a key feature of the federal government’s “Internet for All” initiative to connect everyone in America …

Over 1,000 of Brandywine's educators are working on expired contracts. (Photo by Halfpoint/Adobe Stock)

Brandywine teachers hit the picket lines ahead of holidays due to expired contracts

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

WILMINGTON – An expired contract situation in Brandywine School District has tainted the holiday spirit of teachers, as they began to picket the district Tuesday in the first local educators’ union picketing in well over a decade. “I am shocked and saddened to be in this position,” said Jeannette Wilt, a computer and math teacher in the Brandywine School District …

The Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force has to submit its final report to the General Assembly by Nov. 1. (Photo by Louis-Photo/Adobe Stock)

School climate group putting final touches on recommendations

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A state agency focused on improving the social environment of schools is closing in on submitting its final recommendations after reviewing a 25-item draft Monday night. The 24-member Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force, made up of government and educational officials as well as school behavioral specialists and resource officers, is focusing on family engagement, safety on school buses, …

Delaware's Multi-Tiered System of Supports focus on academic, mental and behavioral health. (Photo by Deposit Photos)

Legislator: Mental health programs hurt Delaware classrooms

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A member of the state task force that’s trying to improve student behavior and school environments in schools said that tiered mental health programs are killing Delaware  classroom productivity.  “They don’t need all the fancy stuff,” said Sen. Eric Buckson, R-Dover, said. “They don’t need the interventions. They don’t need the couches, they don’t need the specialists. They just need …

Brandywine School District will explore new ways to formally evaluate Superintendent Lincoln Hohler this year.

Brandywine seeks help on superintendent evaluation 

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The Brandywine School District voted Monday night to explore using the same new model for evaluate its superintendent that Christina decided to consider two months ago. The vote came after Brandywine School Board member Ralph Ackerman recommended contacting the Delaware School Boards Association to set up a workshop to talk about its program they would use with Superintendent Lincoln Hohler. …

Wilmington Learning Collaborative

School boards lay out worries, support for Learning Collaborative

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

    A joint meeting Tuesday of the Brandywine, Christina and Red Clay school districts about the Wilmington Learning Collaborative featured a lively discussion, but still no vote. The 21 board members were joined by Gov. John Carney, Education Secretary Mark Holodick and other key education officials. While no one outright opposed the learning collaborative, some expressed concern about the …