The first of three town halls was held in Dover Tuesday night.

Education town hall focuses on woke agendas, parental rights

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Speakers at a town hall Tuesday night said Delaware’s education system is in crisis, Delaware’s students are being indoctrinated by the woke agenda and that America is falling behind in international comparisons. About 30 people attended the Save Our Schools Town Hall in Dover sponsored by Citizens for Delaware Schools.  It is the first of three offering conservative views on …


Medical privacy bill threatens parental rights, GOP reps say

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

All 15 Republican state representatives have taken a stand against a bill they say is designed to usurp parental authority. House Bill 400, sponsored by Rep. Krista Griffith, D-Fairfax, would allow dependents on insurance policies – adults and children – to receive “confidential sensitive health care services” without notifying the policyholder. The bill has been dubbed the “Delaware Patient Privacy …