Veterans Affairs in Delaware had a record high in services distributed in fiscal year 2024. (Photo from iStock)

Delaware lawmakers praise progress on benefits for DE veterans but say more attention is needed

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Delaware legislators on both sides of the aisle are pleased with a U.S. Department of  Veterans Affairs (VA) report that shows Delaware veterans received record levels of care and benefits to Delaware veterans in fiscal year 2024. Nevertheless, state legislators say that while they’re impressed with the progress that’s been made in recent years, there’s a lot more than can …

The Redding Consortium voted to remove Christina School District from the city of Wilmington as part of its proposed redistricting plan.

Redding votes to remove Christina from Wilmington

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The members of the Redding Consortium for Educational Equity voted Thursday night to remove the Christina School District from the city of Wilmington in a redistricting plan. Those for the move said that removing Christina’s three schools inside the city that don’t connect to the rest of the district will allow the consortium to better focus its efforts on the …

Redding's interim redistricting plan would shuffle schools and students in four districts in north New Castle County.

Redding plan could remove Christina, Colonial schools from Wilmington

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Some students residing in the city of Wilmington who attend Christina and Colonial school district schools would be transferred mostly to Red Clay and a few to Brandywine, if a redistricting plan championed by the Redding Consortium comes to fruition.  The move would essentially remove Christina and Colonial from the city. “We believe this is a big first step,” said …

The bill would make being connected to a military member a point of priority for Delaware students looking to choice into a school. (Photo by avid_creative/iStock Getty Images)

Military students could get priority in school choice

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Military families in Delaware could receive a scholastic perk in the world of school choice with a new bill that unanimously was voted for in the House Education Committee Wednesday afternoon. House Bill 354, sponsored by Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha, D-Wilmington, gives the dependent children of active military members, full-time Delaware National Guard members, and active duty members of a reserve …

Lisa Goodman Drew Fennell

DSU announces inaugural Mitchell Awards for social justice

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Culture

A teacher, two nonprofit executives, the Twin Poets, two LGTBQ+ advocates and a former state legislator have been named the first recipients of Delaware State University’s Mitchell Awards. The awards honor individuals who demonstrate leadership and success in diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. They are named after Civil Rights pioneers Littleton and Jane Mitchell. Littleton was a Tuskegee Airman …

Sen. Buckson said the 95% of good-behaving students should not be affected by the lack of discipline of the other 5%.

Buckson calls for accountability, discipline in schools

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education, Government

A law establishing a statewide program that provides advocates to students and families facing educational inequity drew discussion in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday. House Bill 188, sponsored by Rep. Sherae’a Moore, D-Middletown, codifies the Equity Ombudsman program, which provides non-lawyer advocates to assist families.  “In 2018 there was litigation against the state … brought by the NAACP and …

A bill that would provide funding for a school resource officer at each Delaware public school was debated Wednesday.

School officers, construction needs focus of House Committee

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Bills dealing with school construction, junior ROTC, Department of Education background checks and school resource officers were sent to the House ready list Wednesday by the Education Committee. House Bill 169, sponsored by Rep. Kim Williams, D-Marshallton and committee chair, requires the secretary of education – currently Mark Holodick – to publish and deliver a report to the General Assembly …

Polling place

What to know before Tuesday’s primary election

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government

Just one statewide incumbent and eight sitting members of the Delaware General Assembly will have a primary opponent when the polls open Tuesday. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Incumbent Auditor of Accounts Kathy McGuiness will face off against attorney and accountant Lydia York.  Eight incumbent members of the General Assembly have primary opponents, including Sen. …

First District Candidates

3 candidates, 3 different visions for North Wilmington

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

Voters in Northwest Wilmington, Brandywine Village and Trolley Square will have three choices when they decide who to send to Dover as their next state representative.  They can go with who they know: incumbent Democratic Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha.  They can toss Chukwuocha out and promote progressive Councilwoman Shane Darby to the seat.  Or they could do the unlikely and vote …

Delaware Library Render Front Iteration 1.2

North Wilmington Branch Library set for major upgrade

Charles MegginsonCulture, Headlines

The North Wilmington Branch Library is set for a major renovation and expansion thanks to $6 million in Bond Bill funds allocated by the General Assembly.  The money will go toward site preparation and design, according to Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha, D-Wilmington, who supported the library’s Bond Bill request.  “This project will have a significant impact on residents, especially our young …