LaTisha Dismuke is a fan of the Food Network show “Chopped.” On each episode, contestants prepare an appetizer, entree and dessert using the show’s ingredients—no matter how odd. “Adaptability is a big deal,” noted Dismuke, owner of A Taste of Jazz, a Millsboror catering company that combines her culinary talent with her musical abilities. (She will play the saxophone on …
Food & fun: Music, games on menu at many Delaware restaurants
Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill in Rehoboth has sold out 55 weekends in a row, which the owner credits to singer Bryan Clark performing. Melissa Ferraro is an innate event planner. Credit her tenure as president of Rolling Thunder, a Delaware food truck association. The owner of Outlandish also has Sonora in Newark. But having a bricks-and-mortar location hasn’t changed the need to “put …