Medicare costs

SEBC subcommittee continues to dissect Medicare plans

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

The SEBC subcommittee continued Monday to dive into the minutiae of Medicare plans for state retirees. The subcommittee gave a lot of time to the costs to the average retiree for the state’s special group health insurance plan Medicfill versus Medigap K, G and N supplement plans and two Medicare Advantage plus prescription drug plans. They focused on costs for …

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Christiana Care, Bayhealth, Blue Cross join to offer Medicare product

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

Two Delaware hospital systems and an insurance company plan to offer a Medicare Advantage insurance plan. Photo by Roger Brown/Pexels   Two Delaware healthcare systems and an insurance company plan to form a Medicare Advantage product together to sell in 2022. ChristianaCare, which dominates health care in Delaware and particularly New Castle County, Bayhealth, which offers services primarily in Kent …