TSD Review Dec 26

Town Square LIVE Weekly Review – December 26, 2024

Sonja FreyTown Square Live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Top Stories Include El Diablo Burritos owners launch new concept two doors down in Trolley Square Nature Boy Ric Flair brings cannabis product to Columbia Care locations New Castle County raises impact fees for new construction Delaware Hospice to move to scattered-bed model at St. Francis Hospital DMA’s Maya Hill shines as late dad, Coach Phil Hill, is …

Factory Sports, pictured above, is one of five locations in Delaware to be awarded money in the second round of the Sports Tourism Fund grants.

5 sports complexes share $10M in second round of Sports Tourism Fund grants

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Sports

Five sports facilities in the First State will share $10 million to make upgrades as part of the second round of grant allocations made by the newly formed Delaware Sports Tourism Capital Investment Fund. After considering 17 applications requesting a combined $47,138,560, here’s who the Delaware Tourism Office is dishing the money out to: Kirkwood Sports Complex – $4 million: …

Kirkwood Sports Complex, pictured above, is one of 17 organizations who submitted applications in this second round of allocations for Delaware's sports tourism fund.

17 sports facilities battle for a small share of $47.1M in state tourism funding

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Seventeen organizations throughout the First State are asking for a combined $47,138,560 for construction, upgrades, and additions to their sports complexes to generate more income and attract more athletes and patrons.  The requests range from as little as $319,680 from the Sandhill Fields in Georgetown to as much as $10 million from Dover’s First State Aquatic Center.  It’s sure to …