Acme Markets

Kirkwood Acme to close in November because lease ends

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

The Acme Market on Kirkwood Highway in Wilmington will close in November because the store’s lease is ending. “Closing a store is always a touchy issue,” said Dana Ward, director of communications and public affairs. “Our focus remains on growing our business, which sometimes involves reinvesting resources into existing stores and exploring potential new locations.” No employees will be laid …

TSD Review Nov 30

TownSquareLIVE Weekly Review – November 30, 2023

Sonja FreyTown Square Live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Top Headlines Include Community composting facility starting in Brandywine Hundred Ohio chemicals settlement gives $25 million to Delaware DNREC finalizes EV regulations. Critics are not impressed Great Oaks Charter likely to get one last chance Salesianum earns trip to state championship Click on the image below to view the PDF Sonja Frey

A new study will focus on traffic and development along and near Kirkwood Highway. (Photo by Dough4872 from Wikimedia)

Planners: How would you like Kirkwood Highway to change?

Ken MammarellaGovernment, Headlines

A regional planning agency wants your opinion on the future of Kirkwood Highway in its first comprehensive review of eight miles of the retail and business corridor. “We have never looked at the full Kirkwood Highway/Capitol Trail Corridor for both transportation and land use, in this way,” said Dave Gula, principal planner for the Wilmington Area Planning Council. “To our …

Joseph Janvier Jewelers mural Kent Krech

Janvier jewelry store’s stunning mural wows customers

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

Joseph Janvier Jewelers doesn’t go out of its way to call attention to itself — from the outside. The Elsmere business is housed in a nondescript brick building on Kirkwood Highway. Customers walk from a modest parking lot to the front door and press a bell to be admitted. They step in, and their mouths drop open. “Wow” is usually …

a sign on a pole

Pike Creek auto center, restaurant exchange punches via funny signs

Charles MegginsonBusiness, Culture, Headlines

Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center and Crossroads Restaurant in Pike Creek are waging war via signs.   Sign war! What is it good for?  Dramatically increasing your profile on social media, if you ask two Pike Creek business owners. Campanella’s Automotive & Tire Center and Crossroads Restaurant near the intersection of Kirkwood Highway and Limestone Road have captivated the state …