A joint meeting Tuesday of the Brandywine, Christina and Red Clay school districts about the Wilmington Learning Collaborative featured a lively discussion, but still no vote. The 21 board members were joined by Gov. John Carney, Education Secretary Mark Holodick and other key education officials. While no one outright opposed the learning collaborative, some expressed concern about the …
Wilmington Learning Collaborative: Executive director by fall
Wilmington Learning Collaborative organizers say they hope to have an executive director in place by early fall. That was one of the new details about their operating draft agreement that came out Tuesday in a community meeting at Warner Elementary School in Wilmington. It was the second meeting since the collaborative published its draft agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities …
State Ed. officials plug Wilmington Learning Collaborative agreement
The Wilmington Learning Collaborative will hold its second community meeting since it released its draft agreement on on Tuesday, June 21. The event will be at Warner Elementary School in Wilmington from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. It’s billed as an opportunity for people to learn more about the agreement that will guide the efforts of the state and the …