“A fully intact vintage Burger King was found behind a wall at the Concord Mall,” a Twitter user posted Tuesday. And by Wednesday, the tweet had gone viral, with more than 15,000 retweets, more than 160,000 likes, a Reddit thread and an article in India. Another Reddit thread about the photo started Monday. All the attention sparked a visit …
Sen. Brian Pettyjohn to host webinar on broadband internet
A webinar focused on the expansion of broadband internet access will give Delawareans a chance to ask questions and learn more about the state’s investment in hardwired internet infrastructure. On Tuesday, April 12, Sen. Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, will host the webinar for interested members of the public. Panelists will include representatives from the Delaware Department of Technology and Information, who …
Grants allocated to bring high-speed internet to every Delaware home
Every Delaware home will have access to high-speed wired broadband internet thanks to $56 million in federal infrastructure grants. Grants were awarded to Comcast, Verizon and Mediacom – Delaware’s three largest service providers. Comcast will receive $33.1 million, Verizon will receive $11.8 million and Mediacom will receive $11.1 million. With those funds, the three companies will extend their existing coverage …