The First State Compassion cannabis kitchen team at the company’s new facility in Wilmington. A Delaware-based medical marijuana company that has opened a state-of-the-art cannabis edible kitchen in Wilmington expects to bring a new line of THC-infused consumables to market in the coming weeks. First State Compassion was Delaware’s first licensed medical marijuana distribution center and operates the state’s largest …
Win-win: Hottest trend at Delaware liquor stores is local craft brews
The craft beer selection at Peco’s Liquor Store in Wilmington. Photo by Ed Mulvihill, owner Twenty years ago, if you were drinking a beer in Delaware, it was likely one of the classics: Budweiser, Miller or Coors. That’s not necessarily the case anymore. Today, it’s likely to be a local craft beer from one of Delaware’s 32 breweries, …
Medical marijuana company’s fund helps terminally ill pay for products
First State Compassion has launched a program that gives terminal patients $500 toward medical marijuana products. A Delaware medical marijuana distribution center has launched a program to provide terminal patients $500 per month to help pay for their medical marijuana treatment. First State Compassion, Delaware’s first licensed medical marijuana distribution center and largest cannabis growing facility, is naming …