Grenoble Place Crossing

Delaware Memorial Day dune crossing closures

Charles MegginsonCulture, Headlines

Multiple vehicle and pedestrian beach access points will be closed during Memorial Day weekend, DNREC announced Thursday. The drive-on and walk-on crossings sustained damage during a May 8 nor’easter. Unsafe drop-offs along the dunes where the crossings meet the beach necessitated the closures. Very little beach is available for drive-on surf fishing, even during low tide at the closed locations, …

DNREC Reminds Public Do Not Sled or Snowboard on Dunes 2048x1536 1 2

Sledding on the dunes is against the rules

Charles MegginsonCulture, Headlines

Those caught trespassing in dune areas restricted to the public could face fines upward of $100 from the DNREC Natural Resource Police. (Photo courtesy of DNREC) In the state with the lowest mean elevation of all U.S. states, the dunes at Cape Henlopen and other beaches along Delaware’s Atlantic Coast might feel like mountains.  And when a snowstorm blows in, …