On the wings of another staggering surplus, Gov. John Carney on Tuesday signed the $5.1 billion 2023 operating budget for Delaware. It takes effect Friday, July 1. The operating budget, Senate Bill 250, is the largest in Delaware’s history, reflecting a rise in spending of 6.9% in spending over the previous year. It also will increase Delaware’s Rainy Day …
Tax credit for those making $35K or less dies in committee
A bill that would have given a $280 tax credit to Delawareans with a 2022 income of $35,000 or less blew up Tuesday in the House Revenue and Finance Committee. Partly a victim of the end-of-the-year rush and partly a victim of not being written well, House Bill 393 will need to be reintroduced in January, when the 152nd session …
House Republicans push $100 rebate; Dems may have own plan
State House Republicans plan to circulate a bill to require Delaware to issue a one-time $100 million tax rebate that would give each resident $100. Under the plan, a family of four would get $400 from the state’s expected surplus revenue of nearly $1 billion. The rebate would help residents deal with the rise in the cost of gasoline …
With so much federal stimulus cash, state predicts surplus of $1 billion
Members of the committees talked about replenishing funds that were used to help weather the COVID-19 pandemic.