Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom. From here, you can scroll through the pdf, forward and backward, zoom in or out in 10% increments, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”https://townsquaredelaware.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TSD-Aug-12-2021.pdf” title=”TSD Aug 12-2021″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Community Hockessin’s Chinese Festival returns with events, food moved outside …
So few kids took assessment tests last year, scores can’t be compared
The Delaware Department of Education says student achievement scores can’t be compared to previous years. Photo by Jessica Lewis/Pexels The Delaware Department of Education on Tuesday released the results of the 2020-21 school year and said so few kids took the tests that the statistics can’t be compared year to year. For example, only 60% of students took the …