
Delaware still working on 32,000 tax refunds, new system

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

Less than 10% of Delawareans who were due refunds when they filed their taxes are still waiting on them. Since the beginning of 2023, the Delaware Department of Finance has received more than  387,000 requests for a 2022 tax refund. Its completed 355,641 of those requests, which totaled about $230 million. The number of outstanding tax refunds is about the …


State’s 2024 budget of $5.6 billion jumps 10% over 2023

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

A 2024 state budget that’s 10% higher than 2023’s led eight Republicans to vote against it Thursday in the House of Representatives, but that didn’t stop it from passing. House Bill 195, sponsored by Rep. William Carson, D-Smyrna, delineated how the $5.6 billion budget will be spent over the next fiscal year, which starts July 1. Carson is the vice …

Delaware revenue growth is down in real estate transfer, corporate and personal income, among other things.

Revenues fall slightly as state noses into post-COVID economy

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

Delaware may have passed the peak of a rise in post-covid revenues, the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council heard Monday. Financial experts call that peak an “inflection point,” akin to that moment when roller-coaster riders feel a brief lift in their tummies before the coaster takes a plunge. That doesn’t mean the state’s finances will plunge. Only that they …

retiree benefits veto

Retiree benefits subcommittee digs into Medicare concerns

Sam HautGovernment, Headlines

The state has a variety of ways to lower what it’s paying for retiree healthcare, a new benefits subcommittee was told Thursday. For current workers, they include: Cutting benefits for current employees by doing things like reducing benefits for spouses. Changing benefits given to people who worked for the state but didn’t retire with the state. Establishing a minimum age …

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tax credit for those making $35K or less dies in committee

Betsy PriceGovernment, Headlines

A bill that would have given a $280 tax credit to Delawareans with a 2022 income of $35,000 or less blew up Tuesday in the House Revenue and Finance Committee. Partly a victim of the end-of-the-year rush and partly a victim of not being written well, House Bill 393 will need to be reintroduced in January, when the 152nd session …


House overwhelmingly approves $300 relief rebate bill

Charles MegginsonGovernment, Headlines

  The Delaware Relief Rebate Program, which will use state surplus funds to offer every Delaware resident taxpayer a one-time direct payment of $300, passed in the House of Representatives Thursday. House Bill 360 will result in the issuance of a one-time payment to every Delaware resident taxpayer who filed personal income tax returns for tax year 2020. It also …