Acme Markets

Kirkwood Acme to close in November because lease ends

Betsy PriceBusiness, Headlines

The Acme Market on Kirkwood Highway in Wilmington will close in November because the store’s lease is ending. “Closing a store is always a touchy issue,” said Dana Ward, director of communications and public affairs. “Our focus remains on growing our business, which sometimes involves reinvesting resources into existing stores and exploring potential new locations.” No employees will be laid …


Delaware moves closer to near-total plastic bag ban

Betsy PriceBusiness

Legislators say people are not reusing the new thicker plastic bags given away at grocery stores.     Dismayed that people don’t seem to be reusing the thicker plastic bags now allowed for retail stores, the Delaware House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to ban retail establishments from providing plastic bags. It will update the new bag rule that went …