
‘Get Down On It’ with Kool & the Gang at the Grand Gala

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

Kool & The Gang will bring the funk to the 48th annual Grand Gala on Dec. 7. The annual party of the year will include will include a concert at the Grand Opera House by the New Jersey band famous for its rhythm and blues, soul and funk tunes as well as the presentation of the 2024 Grand Medal for …

The Wilmington Learning Collaborative held an event Tuesday to explain details of the new draft agreement to community members.

Wilmington Learning Collaborative: Executive director by fall

Jarek RutzDelaware Live, Education, Headlines

Wilmington Learning Collaborative organizers say they hope to have an executive director in place by early fall. That was one of the new details about their operating draft agreement that came out Tuesday in a community meeting at Warner Elementary School in Wilmington.  It was the second meeting since the collaborative published its draft agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities …