A nonprofit formed in the bitter aftermath of a Delaware court decision is launching a $200,000-plus campaign to push Gov. John Carney to appoint a Black judge to Delaware Supreme Court. Citizens for Judicial Fairness — unless recently known as Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware — wants Carney to name a Black judge to replace Supreme Court Justice Tamika Montgomery-Reeves. …
Carney’s Chancery Court nomination draws fire from activists
Gov. John Carney on Friday nominated Wilmington lawyer Nathan A. Cook to serve on the Delaware Court of Chancery. He also nominated Kelly Hicks Sheridan to serve as a commissioner for the Family Court in New Castle County. Cook, managing partner of Block & Leviton’s Delaware office, was chosen to replace Joseph R. Slights III, who retired in …
Pro-business group rebrands to focus on judicial fairness
Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware will announce that it is rebranding during a Tuesday rally designed to pressure Gov. John Carney to appoint a Black justice to Chancery Court. The group’s name will change to Citizens for Judicial Fairness, to reflect its growth into an organization with a national focus in highlighting gaps in representation and fighting for equity …