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School pay committee sets raises for secretaries, custodians

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The Public Education Compensation Committee voted Monday on recommendations for how to raise pay for school employees other than teachers, but including secretaries and custodial positions. The specific group is cited under Delaware Code Sections 1308 and 1311.  The committee agreed to condense the five secretarial positions – clerk, secretary, senior secretary, financial secretary and administrative secretary – into three, …

The educator pay committee delayed a vote on a recommendation Monday. (Pexels)

Educator pay committee delays salary vote over budget, timeline

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Plans to recommend how the state will significantly hike salaries of teachers as well as school administrators and nurses stalled Monday night amid concerns about the state budget and the  timeline of raises. The 15-person Public Education Compensation Committee debating the issue was created this year to make recommendations on Delaware educator compensation.  Officials hope raises will both address the …