A Wilmington City Council ordinance that would prevent nepotism failed to pass Thursday night after initially garnering strong support in a committee last month. The ordinance got five yes votes, five no and two “present” votes, meaning it lacked the numbers it needed to succeed. Ordinance 0273, sponsored by Councilman James Spadola, would prohibit members of the council from hiring …
Public infighting returns to Wilmington City Council
Photo/City of Wilmington Wilmington City Council members must hand over all email, phone and text records from Jan. 2021 to March 2022 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by one of their own. Councilwoman Shané Darby, D-District 2, submitted the FOIA request because she says a group of seven city council members have been holding private …
Proposed Wilmington ordinance would close stores, bodegas at 10 p.m.
Proponents of closing corner stores and bodegas earlier say it will keep late-night crowds, crime down. An ordinance aimed at restricting hours of operation for corner stores and bodegas in certain areas of Wilmington was introduced Thursday in a City Council planning meeting. The legislation before the Community Development & Urban Planning committee would force convenience stores and fast …