Sue Ann Cox Brandywine Festival of the Arts

Brandywine Festival of the Arts returns Saturday, Sunday

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

When the Brandywine Festival of the Arts returns Saturday and Sunday for its 63rd year, the featured artist will be making handcrafted cottages honoring the Brandywine Park’s Josephine Gardens and Rose Garden. Sue Ann Cox, known as the Fairy Potter, is known for her whimsical stoneware floral cottages and fairy accents inspired by inspired by the 19th-century primer, “The Language …

Brandywine Holiday Festival of the Arts Barry Schlecker

Brandywine Festival of Arts adds holiday sale on Riverfront

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

Delaware event impressario Barry Schlecker, who organizes September’s popular Brandywine Festival of the Arts, has always wanted to do an indoor arts show. Urged by painter friends who won’t do outdoor shows and inspired by their studio tours, Schlecker decided this year to approach the Chase Center on the Riverfront about a holiday event. Artists had told him they’d participate …

TSD Review Sept 7

TownSquareLIVE Weekly Review – September 7, 2023

Sonja FreyTown Square Live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Brandywine Festival of Arts to offer largest show yet Survey on road rage calls Del. drivers the most polite Delaware confirms case of new COVID strain Pirola Health marketplace adds another insurer; ’24 rates announced On the Pitch: Preseason boys soccer rankings Click on the image below to view the PDF Sonja Frey

Brandywine Festival of the Arts

Brandywine Festival of Arts to offer largest show yet

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

The Brandywine Festival of the Arts returns to Brandywine Park for its 62nd year this weekend — Sept. 9 and 10 — for its largest show with 250 artisans and 16 food vendors. The featured artist will be Edwin Lester, a self-taught painter who brings a sophisticated and technically advanced style of realism to his figurative and atmospheric paintings. The …

Blue Streak Gallery Ginger Weiss Barry Scheckler

Here’s a chance to own some of Barry’s, Ginger’s collection

Betsy PriceCulture, Headlines

  You may know Barry Schlecker as the guy who breathed life back into the Brandywine Festival of the Arts and the Rockwood Ice Cream Festival. But many people know him and his significant other, Ginger Weiss, as art lovers who focus on regional art and outsider art from across the country, with many pieces made by people who have …

TSD Sept 9 2021

Town Square LIVE Weekly Review – September 9, 2021

Sonja FreyTown Square Live, Weekly Review

Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom—scroll through the pdf, use direction arrows, zoom in or out, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”TSD Sept 9-2021″] This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Community SIW wastes no time starting to rebuild farm stand Brandywine Festival of Arts makes sure shoppers are …

a group of people in a tent

Brandywine Festival of Arts makes sure shoppers are well-fed

Pam GeorgeCulture, Food, Headlines

Home Grown will offer veggie burgers, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, hotdogs, fries and hummus at the arts festival.   For more than 50 years, artists and collectors have celebrated autumn’s arrival at a Wilmington festival along the Brandywine River. This year is no different. Always the first weekend after Labor Day, The Brandywine Festival of the Arts is scheduled for Sept. 11, …