The show that bloomed the careers of superstar musicians like Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood, Adam Lambert and many more is coming to the First State. On Monday, Sept. 9, Delawareans can audition for American Idol. The auditions are virtual through Zoom and part of American Idol’s “Idol Across America” initiative. Hopefuls can sign up to audition face-to-face in …
‘American Idol’ to seek contestants from Delaware
Delawareans have a shot at auditioning for ‘American Idol’ on Wednesday, Sept. 6. The show, which just crowned Iam Tonga as the series’ first winner from a Pacific Island, is seeking contestants for the its 22nd season, and the first step is a Zoom audition with producers. To participate, hopefuls who will be 15 or older by Feb. 15, 2024 …