ChristianaCare caregivers come together for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Staff WriterHealth, News Briefs

More than 200 ChristianaCare caregivers and their families came together for a systemwide service project on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 20, to pack supply kits for neighbors in need.


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Caregivers and their families served together.

These volunteers assembled 3,500 supply kits with essential items like washcloths, dish soap and detergent for individuals transitioning into permanent housing and toiletries, journals and puzzle books for patients in treatment for cancer at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute.

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President & CEO Janice Nevin, M.D., MPH, and other caregivers provided handwritten notes of inspiration to tuck into the supply kits.

The kits also carried inspiration. Caregivers handwrote encouraging messages that were tucked in alongside toiletries and other essentials:

“You’ve got this!” “You are stronger than you know.” “This is tough. But so are you!”

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Caregivers delivered supply kits to the New Castle County HOPE Center.

Other caregivers delivered the inspirations and the kits to the the Graham Cancer Center, the Union Hospital Emergency Department, New Castle County Hope Center, Inc., and other community partners.

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Supply Chain caregivers received and distributed the many boxes of items that would go into the kits.

Natalie Torres, director of Inclusion & Diversity, credited ChristianaCare’s Supply Chain and Transportation departments with making sure toiletries and other supplies were available at the three campus locations and also coordinating the pickup and delivery of donations.

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Cecil County campus volunteers with their assembled supply kits.

“This service project is such a powerful reminder of how our values of love and excellence shine through in everything that we do,” Torres said. “Dr. King truly resonates with who we are as an organization. Serving our community, connecting with one another, making a difference — it’s what we do best — and we are so honored to carry on this tradition in Dr. King’s name.”

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